Our next Society meeting is on this coming Tuesday and is our annual walk and it will again be organised by David Hayes and Derek Hathaway, so you can be assured of a well researched and interesting exploration of a piece of our canal. It is always timed for midsummer so we are guaranteed good weather! However you’ll note that we meet at a pub so we have a fallback if required and no doubt a venue for recovery after the walk.
With all the activity at Sandiacre dealing with the lock excavation this year we will be incorporating that section in the walk. The likely length is about 4 miles and most of it will be on the flat, but along some unpaved paths with some stiles. We suggest you bring stout if not waterproof footwear in case it is still a bit wet underfoot. Meet at the Bridge Inn, Longmoor Lane, Sandiacre, NG10 5LW map ref SK472349 at 7pm. We should be back before 9pm. Parking has been agreed with the pub or there will be space on Sandringham Road nearby. We will also aim to give you a bit of an update on progress with the Arm, Draycott and Borrowash as well as Sandiacre.
Sadly I have to tell you that we have had to cut our losses with the Barn Dance and it has been cancelled. I’m afraid we had too few takers to make it commercially viable. Those who have bought tickets should contact me at the walk, or by phone or post and we will make a refund if you return your ticket. I’m afraid no matter that we organised it early we still could not avoid clashes with other events.
Working parties continue albeit interrupted to allow us to attend shows at Chellaston and Spondon. Our next will be at Borrowash on 3rd July. Meet at 9.30 by the lock chamber.
Hope to see you on Tuesday in brilliant sunshine!
Chris Madge