Could members that pay their membership subscription by Standing Order which is administered by the members Bank please check they are correctly set up. In the last few weeks numerous errors have been identified where the member’s Bank has got the set up wrong; the types of errors identified have included:
· Standing order set up to pay the Trust monthly rather than annually;
· Standing order set up, but with the Trust’s account number incorrectly entered by the bank so the money has been paid to a third party;
· Simply failing to set up the standing order (whilst this could be a Royal Mail issue it includes some that have been hand delivered to the bank concerned).
The banks involved are also numerous, so we can’t say this is a problem with one particular bank. It does however seem to be affecting relatively new members or those renewing and switching to standing order payment rather than those that have been paying by standing order for a number of years.
If members that have access to their Banks online banking service they should be able to check the set-up of their standing order, it should be paying to an account at Barclays with an account number ending ****7766 (or for older memberships only ****8004). Alternatively can members please check their bank statements or enquire with their bank.
If you are paying the Trust but not receiving a Packet magazine or receiving a subscription reminder your bank may be remitting the money to the wrong account.
If you need to amend the standing order or set up a new one full details can be found on our membership form online. Alternatively please contact our membership secretary Roger Ashmead by email:
To address this in the future the Trust is in the process of investigating the use of Direct Debits, which will have a small cost to the Trust but should eliminate the errors made by banks.