Working on the Derby Canal after the relaxation of the Covid 19 restrictions.
Hello all.
With the relaxation of the Governments Covid-19 restrictions, it was felt that the Trust should make a statement on what we have been doing, prior to the 19th July and our plans after, to keep our volunteers safe. Hopefully, the relaxation will not bring a further spike in the hospital admissions which would mean a return to restrictions.
Prior to the 19th we ensured that all our volunteer were kept safe and we all worked within the Government’s rule. On site, we promoted social distancing, face covering and not sharing hand tools, and ensured that any shared tools were fully cleaned. At the cottages, the volunteers have been working in small bubbles to keep the project moving and ensure that the site was ready for the specialist contractors. All committee meeting have been held virtual using ‘Zoom’ and this will continue into the Autumn at the earliest.
Following the relaxation of the 19th we have continued to ensure that our volunteers are safe. On the Gardening teams we have continued with a reduced social distancing and encouraging volunteers to bring their own tools. At the cottages the work has continued with the small teams socially distancing and also using their own tools.
Unfortunately, we have not completely escaped the virus. We have had a volunteer’s wife who caught the virus in the early days of the pandemic last year, and has made almost a full recovery, and recently one of the cottages team caught it from his wife, but being double jabbed escaped with a bad cold symptoms. One of our young volunteers had to self isolate twice after first his sister and then a classmate tested positive. In both cases he tested negative.
Volunteers, who were in contact with any volunteer who has caught the virus or is self isolated, have now all taken regular Lateral Flow Tests and have all tested negative. Our plan is to continue with the social distancing and not sharing tools, unless they are specialist tool which will be cleaned before and after use.
The AGM at the Royal Oak in Ockbrook on the 11th August 2021 will be in the function room which can be easily ventilated and members taking care to not overcrowd anyone and social distance. For those who still feel it is not safe inside, the meeting will be transmitted by ‘Zoom’ online.
We hope that these restrictions on our volunteers will help in reducing the incidents of catching the virus and therefore bring a speedy end to the problem
At all times the Trust will review the restrictions and ensure the safety of our volunteers on all our sites.
David Savidge
H&S Director