Introducing ARTEMIS

ARTEMIS - "Aquatic Remote Technology Environmental Mitigation (and) Intercept System" #Cleaner Rivers: Now and Forever Article submitted by Archit Sharma, Technical Owner for ARTEMIS (Manufacturing Engineer at Rolls-Royce). Back in 2019, the Derby & Sandiacre Canal Trust (DSCT) started construction of the Derby Riverboat project (now known as "Outram"), an all-electric narrowboat. Outram has [...]


Today's post is from Chris S. regarding the ground clearance activities ongoing at Angler's Lane, Spondon, over the last few weeks. "After over a year of waiting to get out and deal with some dangerous Willow trees on the Anglers lane we finally had the chance to fight through 50 odd years worth of [...]

By |2021-04-06T20:11:09+01:00April 6th, 2021|Environment, News, Working Party|0 Comments

DSCT Covid Statement 05/01/2021

Covid-19 Update The Governments restrictions, regarding the new Tier5 Lockdown that has now gone nationwide. This means that we are all restricted to staying at home and going out to shop for food only. Our working parties are therefore cancelled on all sites, and at the cottages, until further notice. We will review this in line [...]