The season has ended for the Derby Riverboat
The weather has turned and the river levels have increased so we have returned the boat to its winter moorings in Darley Abbey. Despite the challenges encountered the operation of the Riverboat has been a real success. We took a risk starting operations before everything was in place, but it’s been worth it. Our volunteer group has steadily built up. We have had sold out trips for over two months, we’ve had compliments from virtually all the passengers, we’ve made some money towards restoration, but most importantly we have shown people what the future could hold and they have shared our excitement.
We have two meetings, which will be held at the First Floor, Canal Cottages, Draycott DE72 3PE
Thurs 17th Nov, from 7.30pm.
This will be in person with an online feed. The agenda can be found here.
Members’ meeting
Tues 22nd Nov from 7.30pm.
Barry Watson will be talking about his experiences on the canals as marina manager, boat broker and particularly running a canal hotel boat. Barry comes highly recommended as a speaker and entertainer and recently featured in Waterways World. It’s a great final meeting before the Christmas break. Please do support us. All are welcome.