About Chris Reesfitzpatrick

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So far Chris Reesfitzpatrick has created 167 blog entries.

Back to Uni!

Saturday saw the Canal Society go back to University, well for some of them anyway.  This was following on from an invitation to join Chris Packham, well known presenter of the BBC Springwatch program, at the Nature Connections Festival held at Derby University. A wide and diverse group of people attended, including Walking with Horses, [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:03+01:00September 13th, 2015|Events & Fundraising|0 Comments

Working Party Update 6th September 2015

The first week of September saw the team of growing volunteers meet at the newly named Canal Turn Public House. The aim was to carry on the work at the Winding Hole. A fresh, bright sunny morning saw a good turn out, including another brand new helper! This weeks task was to try and expose [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:03+01:00September 7th, 2015|Working Party|0 Comments

AGM Notice

AGM 2015 Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th October 8pm at the Wilmot Arms, 49 Derby Road, Borrowash, DE72 3HA. The agenda for the AGM and last years minutes are available below: Annual General Meeting Agenda 2015 Annual General Meeting 2014 Minutes Please note that existing officers have offered to stand again, [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:03+01:00September 1st, 2015|News|0 Comments

Working Party Update 16th August 2015

Another Sunday in August when we did not normally have working parties, but as per my last update, work is increasing as we get nearer to getting a stretch under water, so work must continue. So this Sunday a good turn out of volunteers met at the Bottom Lock at Sandiacre to clear the ground [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:03+01:00August 18th, 2015|Working Party|0 Comments

July Meeting Raises Smiles

Thanks to all those members who attended the last social meeting before the summer. It was a well attended meeting with no connection to the business of canals. Our speaker was Cliff Warner J. P. And his topic was Humour at the Bench. Cliff gave us the benefit of his many years on the bench, [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:04+01:00August 10th, 2015|Events & Fundraising|0 Comments

We make an impression at the Labour Group

A delegation from the Trust was welcomed warmly by Derby City Council’s ruling Labour Group at their meeting on 3rd August. After making our case individually to the Deputy Leader a few months ago we were invited in front of all Councillors in their regular monthly gathering. We made the case for support of the [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:04+01:00August 7th, 2015|News|0 Comments

IWA offer support – because we’re worth it!

As members of the Inland Waterways Association we make use of any advice that’s going. So when we asked for some advice about the Spondon winding hole from the Civil Engineer retained by the IWA we were delighted when he offered to visit. Howard Worth lives near Telford so we are quite a hike for [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:04+01:00August 5th, 2015|News|0 Comments

Working Party Update 2nd August 2015

The Society has never normally worked in August, apart from the behind the scenes stuff that goes on through-out the year, but this year with so much work that needs doing we decided to carry on regardless. The Winding Hole at Spondon has now been semi cleared of building debris, the new owners have re-named [...]

By |2017-10-12T19:00:04+01:00August 3rd, 2015|Working Party|0 Comments