Change your Commute – Travel along the Derby & Sandiacre Canal Line

We’re inviting you to change the way you get to work for just one week…

If you live near the proposed route of the restored Derby & Sandiacre Canal and can use the current footpath to walk, run or cycle to work then we would love to hear from you.

Can you use the path to get to work or to a bus stop or railway station?

If so we invite you take up the challenge to make a positive change in your usual commute and get your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you to do it. You could arrive at work feeling energized from the exercise endorphins and uplifted from your brush with nature.

You’ll also feel great about the fact you took one car off the roads even if it was just for one day! Improve your physical health, mental well-being and the environment in one fell swoop!


If you are interested in taking up the challenge please fill in the contact enquiry form using the subject heading:

‘cycle commute project’

We will then send you the details of how you can raise sponsorship for the canal restoration. It will also help us to follow your progress on social media.

To add sponsorship for this event please visit our dedicated event page at Virgin Money Giving by clicking here

More Information?

Further resources to help you plan your route are available here but feel free to contact us and ask any questions about this or anything else using the email: