Dear Members of the Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust
Welcome to the latest edition of the newsletter;
Hello again,
At last we have started the dig out at Draycott, at the time of writing the first sections of lining have gone in near the Derby Road Bridge, Brian appears to seem dedicated on his own personal mission of “digging back to Derby”. Work will continue up to Christmas and again in the New Year and spring.
The Trust have approved the re-start of working parties under the strict corona virus regulations regarding numbers and safety.
Society AGM
The Society has held its AGM via zoom, after a little computer issue that resulted in my machine being in the repair shop for nearly 10 days, the meeting agreed to amalgamate the Society into the Trust at the end of the Society financial year in March. Rest assured that nothing will change, things will continue to happen and we will carry on driving the restoration on.
We are also holding a social evening with a talk on the Wilts and Berks on Tuesday 26th January, given by Steve Bacon, meeting will be on zoom at 7.30pm and details will be advised later on how to request an invite.
A big thank you to all that attended the AGM and also to the committee members that have agreed to stay on until March when they will take up their respective new roles.
Help Needed
No it’s not an announcement, or a picture of a Christmas crib, but an appeal for any joiners or wood-workers that can spare us few hours/days at the cottages in Draycott. The team are doing a brilliant job but extra hands that have experience will make such a difference as we close in on finishing some work.
Please contact Scott on, or Chris Madge at
Talking of cribs – it is coming up to that time of year when we start to reflect upon the season festivities, but also the loss and upset that has come to visit us all in some way or other over this last awful year. I often pride myself that I am part of a bigger family than I ever thought possible, I am surrounded by friends that I sometimes never meet in person.
Final thoughts
Please remember that we are here for each other, not just a canal, stay safe enjoy the season in whatever way you want and Linda and myself wish you all a Happy Christmas and a safe New Year.
Eddy – Chairman