Dear Members of the Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust
Welcome to the latest edition of the newsletter;
Hello again,
Still here in lockdown – but at least the shortest day has gone and the sun is fighting back along with the spring flowers popping up.
Working Parties suspended
Not a lot to report this month, all working parties have been suspended for safety reasons of course, including work at the cottages (apart from tradespeople).
You may see some activity if and when a response is needed regarding any issues on our various stretches of land that require urgent attention, but even then strict covid rules are observed.

Trust Public Meeting
We have our first virtual public meeting to be held on Tuesday 26th January at 7.30pm via zoom, to join you will have to follow the link below;
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 0917 1296; Passcode: 110281
Our guest speaker will be Steve Bacon holding a talk on the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust, please join us and show your support. Picture below from showing the Wilts and Berks Canal.

Looking Forward
It is not all negative as we enter 2021, we have a lot to look forward to:
- Our trip boat will be launched on the River Derwent in the Spring or early Summer
- Work continues at the dig out in Draycott and phase two there should be completed this year
- Work will continue at Borrowash/Spondon and Sandiacre and the “behind the scenes” team will continue meeting remotely to make sure that as and when we can resume the word will go out
Keep safe, thank you all for your support and I hope to see you all again soon.
Eddy – Chairman