So close, but so far, the Canal Society was once again at Draycott to try and finish the 5 year task of laying over 1000 meters of hedge. Another great turn out of members enabled us to have two teams laying and also two teams as back up to clear the off cuts, alas a malfunction with one of the saws meant that we have been unable to complete the last 6 meters. However, due to the nature of the remaining trees, we will be able to return in three weeks to finally complete this task before moving on to Sandiacre, Borrowash and Spondon, thus leaving the birds and wildlife that is so varied in this area in peace and quiet.
Our monthly social meetings are being well attended at the Wilmot Arms in Borrowash and membership numbers are once again on the increase as we get closer to getting sections under water.
Details of our working parties can be found in our working party diary. Our next social event is on Tuesday 24th March with guest Ian Morgan talking about The Fossdyke, details can be found on our Meetings Programme Page.
Picture shows how close we are to completion of the hedge laying.