Gift Membership Form

This form should be used to make a gift of The Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust membership. It should not be used to take out membership in your own name; in which case please use the alternative form.

Gift Membership is available at a standard cost of £20. Please make cheques payable to The Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust.

The recipient will receive:

  • A full year’s membership taking effect from Christmas or any date you specify
  • A Gift Membership Certificate and introductory letter
  • A copy of the Special Derby Canal Heritage booklet full of anecdotes and historical information
  • The most recent edition of The Packet magazine and all editions published during the period of membership
  • Details of the website, Trust meeting programme, working party programme and monthly draw.
  • Details of how to renew membership before expiry (this will be repeated 4 – 6 weeks before expiry)
  • Items from our shop can be added at an additional cost
  • All Gift Wrapped and delivered to the address specified.

Giver's Details

Recipient's Details

The Government’s Gift Aid scheme cannot be reclaimed on this type of membership; please do not include this payment on your Self Assessment tax return.

You may wish to consider adding to your gift by purchasing an additional item from the range of merchandise that is available on

Thank you for your support.

NB: Membership will run for a full calendar year from the month end following the date entered e.g. Christmas 2014 will expire 31 December 2015.
If other please select date.

Thank you for supporting the Derby and Sandiacre Canal. We would like your permission to keep you informed about our plans for the future restoration, events, fundraising and other activities. This will typically be once per month by email and twice per year by post. We will not share your details with any other organisation for marketing purposes. You can change your contact preferences at any time, see our Privacy Policy (at the bottom of every webpage) for more details.

please tick all boxes that apply