Gift Membership Form
This form should be used to make a gift of The Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust membership. It should not be used to take out membership in your own name; in which case please use the alternative form.
Gift Membership is available at a standard cost of £20. Please make cheques payable to The Derby and Sandiacre Canal Trust.
The recipient will receive:
- A full year’s membership taking effect from Christmas or any date you specify
- A Gift Membership Certificate and introductory letter
- A copy of the Special Derby Canal Heritage booklet full of anecdotes and historical information
- The most recent edition of The Packet magazine and all editions published during the period of membership
- Details of the website, Trust meeting programme, working party programme and monthly draw.
- Details of how to renew membership before expiry (this will be repeated 4 – 6 weeks before expiry)
- Items from our shop can be added at an additional cost
- All Gift Wrapped and delivered to the address specified.