Dear Members of the Derby and Sandiacre Canal Society.
Welcome to the latest edition of the newsletter!
Life on the shows and open days has started again; we started with the open day at the cottages and continued over the May Day Bank Holiday at the annual Breaston Carnival. An excellent turn out of helpers that made the day more easier for the committee, some good sales on the merchandise – including a lot of garden plants that have been donated to us for sale. (Please check prior to donations that we have an event coming up or indeed that we can actually sell certain things) along with some new membership/friends coming in since the event. Thank-you to all that turned up on a cold day and supported us.

Talking of membership/friends, we are aiming this year to attract more friends of the Trust/Society – this we have found is that something people prefer to pay for on a monthly basis, subscriptions start from £2.00 pounds per month but can be at any level the friend would be willing to offer, more detail from myself or Roger our membership Sec.
Society Meeting
This month’s speaker is Norman Stainthorpe talking about the Ellesmere Port – a personal history covering the period 1974.
Meeting starts at 7.30pm, normal rates apply for members and guests. Meeting is again at the Coach and Horses, not the Wilmott has advertised on our web page, to be held on 28/05/19
We are now fully legal on out tractor , Keith has been out on the open road, under police escort, I believe, he went down to the local garage to top the tanks up prior to the initial run before we get over taken by grasslands and bramble and other wild things – we wish him well.
A special thank you to the local Co-Op and to Erewash Council, along with the Trust’s support, that enabled us to acquire this equipment.
Do you know anyone that would be willing to sponsor the ongoing costs of running this and the much need maintenance? Please let me know. Full credit will always be given to any support given.
The Cottages
Work at the cottages is progressing well, we have managed to dig out part of the culvert ready for the pipes to go in, floors have been dug out ready for the new floors to go in
A busy team of wheelbarrows will ensure that the 40 tons (old money) will quickly move the materials into the cottages.
Positions available
We are looking for, amongst many, a Health and Safety Officer to oversee the work that we are doing now and in the future – David has been doing a sterling job on this to date, but he also has undertaken a lot of other duties and would be grateful for help on this subject.
We have two wonderful helpers assisting out on the Derby Boat trip project, Scott gives us his time to restore the cottages, the Trust and Society Committee along with the support of the working parties make this all happen – but we need more help if you can give it. Things are moving at a pace, your support is appreciated.
Eddy – Chairman